Monday, March 2, 2015

Color Theory

    1. Define hue: a color or shade
    2. Define value: regard that something is held to deserve
      1. ​Example: Choose your favorite color. Demonstrate VALUE using 7+ photos (light to dark of your chosen hue). Canvas specs above 
    3. Define saturation: state or process of something that can be absorbed or combined with
    4. How many colors are available on our computers?
    5. Define secondary color: color resulting from the mixing of two primary colors
    6. Define tertiary color: resulting color formed when an equal amount of a primary and secondary color are combined
    7. Define complementary colors: colors opposite of each other in the color spectrum
      1. ​Find, copy and insert a graphical example of a  Traditional Color Wheel - include a caption. 
        The color wheel is used as a model for a broad spectrum of colors.
      2. Find an image that visually explains the differences in color gamut's. In the caption, define a Gamut and which one is better. 
        A Gamut is a complete range or scope of something, in this case, colors.

    8. What are the primary colors in Photoshop? cyan, magenta, yellow, and black
    9. What are the secondary colors in Photoshop? orange, violet, and green
    10. Define subtractive color model: explains the mixing of limited set of dyes, inks, or pigments to create a wider range of colors 
    11. Define additive color model: model in which red, green, and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors
    12. Is RGB additive or subtractive? additive 
    13. What is the CYYK color model used for? color printing
    14. Define analogous colors: colors that are to each other on the color wheel
    15. Define tint: shade or variety of color
    16. Define shade: comparative darkness and coolness caused by shelter from direct sunlight
    17. Define neutral: shade or color that is typically light beige 
    18. Define monochromatic: containing or using light color
      1. ​Example: Create a canvas demonstrating a grayscale color scheme from White to Black using 7+ photos. Canvas specs above 
    19. What can be said in general about warm colors? warm colors are made with orange, red, and yellow, and a combination of all of them.
    20. What can be said in general about cool colors? cool colors are made with the colors, green, blue, and purple.
    21. Which color is associated with stability? blue
    22. Which color symbolizes royalty? mauve
    23. Which is the color of cleanliness? white 
    24. Which color symbolism freshness? green 
    25. Which colors are associated with joy? yellow
    26. Which color symbolizes passion and danger? red
      1. ​Example: Create a visual example for ONE of questions 22-27 using 4 photos. Canvas specs above. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Animated Gif

Please check out both of my animated gifs below which were bot created using Photoshop.

This specific gif is a rocket being launch with a surprise ending as a special effect.

The animation located above is a resemblance to Colony Softball.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The World Would Be A Better Place If......

PTSA, The World Would Be A Better Place If... Competition

My graphic design artwork for the PTSA competition resembles the major problems of our world from my point of view. It's a bit of twist on what one might have expected because it's reversed from showing what would make the world a better place. I chose to show what the crucial complications that make the world a worse place, so that, one could see what must happen no more in order to make it a better one. These are real life pictures used showing real life struggles so that one will know these problems are real, not just my own opinions. These struggles can continue no more if we want this world to become a more valuable place.

In order to make this project, I googled pictures from the internet that resembled what I believed were the most major of society's issues. I chose these pictures in black and white to show that they are current problems that make our world a darker place rather than brighter. I then cropped the pictures to make a collage and added text saying "NO MORE...." in red font in order for it to stand out. I didn't use any tutorials but I got my inspiration from online pictures and designs of pictures combined  and covered with text on top. I didn't choose to learn a tutorial because I wanted to try to find my own creativeness so it would be based on my own opinions entirely.

Janae Jo R. © 2014