Thursday, December 4, 2014

The World Would Be A Better Place If......

PTSA, The World Would Be A Better Place If... Competition

My graphic design artwork for the PTSA competition resembles the major problems of our world from my point of view. It's a bit of twist on what one might have expected because it's reversed from showing what would make the world a better place. I chose to show what the crucial complications that make the world a worse place, so that, one could see what must happen no more in order to make it a better one. These are real life pictures used showing real life struggles so that one will know these problems are real, not just my own opinions. These struggles can continue no more if we want this world to become a more valuable place.

In order to make this project, I googled pictures from the internet that resembled what I believed were the most major of society's issues. I chose these pictures in black and white to show that they are current problems that make our world a darker place rather than brighter. I then cropped the pictures to make a collage and added text saying "NO MORE...." in red font in order for it to stand out. I didn't use any tutorials but I got my inspiration from online pictures and designs of pictures combined  and covered with text on top. I didn't choose to learn a tutorial because I wanted to try to find my own creativeness so it would be based on my own opinions entirely.

Janae Jo R. © 2014

1 comment:

  1. i love your idea on how you decided to do more of a twist on this project. Also on the idea of "no more..." something I noticed is you can't really see the pictures in the background very well. that might just be my eyes but maybe you should do more of an opacity so that we could see your images relating to the topic. but from what i can see the work very well with your idea :) and some of those things I completely agree with. :) like no more suicide. lost friends that way. Good job ;)
